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Inspiring SME Stories: From Small Capital to Great Success

[:en]Kisah Inspiratif UMKM: Dari Modal Kecil Jadi Sukses Besar[:]


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3. Sampah Diolah Jadi Perhiasan


Sampah plastik sering dianggap tidak bernilai. Namun, di Rubysh sampah plastik diolah menjadi produk bernilai tinggi seperti perhiasan, jam tangan, dan kacamata


Encep Amir, pendiri Rubysh, memulai bisnis ini pada 2013 saat menempuh kuliah di bidang Ilmu Lingkungan. Dia mempresentasikan tugas akhir kuliahnya tentang pengelolaan sampah di Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemendikti) setelah lulus. Akhirnya, dari presentasi itulah Amir mendapatkan dana hibah dari Pemerintah Australia.


Dengan dana tersebut, Amir serius mengembangkan produk dan meluncurkan Rubysh pada 2019. Pada tahun lalu, dia mencatatkan omzet Rp 170 juta per tahun, atau sekitar Rp 14,16 juta per bulan. [Selengkapnya]


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Pelajaran Bisnis


Dari ketiga kisah inspiratif ini, ada beberapa pelajaran penting yang bisa kita ambil:



Mengelola Keuangan Bisnis dengan Efektif


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The world of small businesses (SMEs) is full of inspirational stories that prove how passion, creativity, and hard work can lead to great success. Here are some remarkable stories of entrepreneurs who turned challenges into opportunities:


1. From Baking Cakes to Earning Millions


The Story of Rian & Delli

Leaving a stable job at a state-owned bank might seem unthinkable for many, but Rian (34) and Delli (38) dared to dream differently. The husband-and-wife duo decided to resign and start their own business.


They began in 2017 by selling homemade cakes under the brand Dapur CK & Cool Kedai. Initially, Rian baked cakes for her children’s birthdays and shared the pictures on social media. To their surprise, the cakes garnered significant interest, and orders started rolling in.


With an initial capital of just IDR 500,000, their business now earns a monthly revenue of IDR 50-70 million.


Key Lessons:


2. Ayam Bakar Madu Hijrah: A Blend of Business and Charity


Erfianty’s Success Story

Starting with just three chickens in her home kitchen, Erfianty developed a recipe for Ayam Bakar Madu (Honey Grilled Chicken) that her family loved. After fine-tuning the recipe, she started selling it, and the orders quickly grew.


Her business has expanded, with a team of five employees helping to manage the increasing demand. She also incorporates a charitable initiative, Sedekah Langit (“Heavenly Charity”), donating over 100 meal packages to orphanages every Friday.


Key Lessons:



3. Turning Trash into Treasure


Encep Amir and Rubysh

Plastic waste is often seen as a nuisance, but Encep Amir saw potential in it. Through his brand Rubysh, he transforms plastic waste into valuable products like jewelry, watches, and eyeglasses.


His journey started as a university project and evolved into a full-fledged business after receiving a grant from the Australian Government in 2019. Today, Rubysh generates annual revenues of IDR 170 million.


Key Lessons:



What We Can Learn from These Stories


These entrepreneurs highlight some universal lessons for anyone looking to succeed in business:



Effective Financial Management Is Key


Success isn’t just about ideas and hard work—it also depends on managing your finances well. Ximply is here to make financial management easier. From tracking transactions to analyzing expenses, Ximply helps entrepreneurs focus on growing their business instead of stressing over finances.


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