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Ximply participated in the Seminar Nasional IX & Hospital Expo.

[:en]Ximply Berpartisipasi di Seminar Nasional IX & Hospital Expo[:]

Ximply collaborated with Zi.Care,, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise to participate in the Seminar Nasional IX & Hospital Expo, organized by the Indonesian Private Hospital Association (ARSSI). The seminar, themed “Change Management in Hospital Organization in the Era of Hospital System Transformation,” was held in Solo at the Alila Hotel from January 25-27, 2023.


Seminar Nasional IX & Hospital Expo Agenda:


Day 1 – January 25, 2023:



Day 2 – January 26, 2023:



Day 3 – January 27, 2023:



In addition to the seminar, six workshops were conducted on January 25 and 26, 2023. Several prominent figures attended and spoke at the event, including Gibran Rakabuming Raka (Mayor of Solo), drg. Iing Ichsan Hanafi, MARS., MH (Chairman of ARSSI), Prof. dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, M.Sc, Ph.D. (Special Staff of the Ministry of Health), Prof. dr. Ali Gufron Mukti, M.Sc, Ph.D., AAK (President Director of BPJS Kesehatan), and other important figures.


Through this collaboration, we hope to contribute to the healthcare and hospital services sector by providing expense management services through Ximply. Ximply helps hospitals manage routine expenditures and doctor fees, integrated with the Zi.Care application, a Hospital Information System with E-MR (Electronic Medical Record). Furthermore, Ximply can even serve as a mobile application for patients to manage their expenses.


Read also: Memorandum of Understanding Signing with HIPPINDO

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